The Quest ECSS
Human Trafficking
Mission Report 00000008
Outside city central
Local Police
25 girls ages 8 to 12 with 3 guards entrance front and back with no other buildings around. Exit roads one to mountains one back to larger city. All conditions are weak and damaged.
Surveillance using volunteers info then watch for no movement for the 4 hours info collected says no police traffic except inside. 4 teammates will breach front door and 2 in back at same time. At that time 4 tourist vans we secured will move to back entrance. The guards will be taken down and put to sleep. Then the girls will be taken to vans then to safe house for medical. Then from there to their new home. The team of 8 will follow and watch for shadows.
Went exactly as planned the kids were in bad shape health wise but nothing serious in this kind of circumstance. In and out in 7 minutes. The girls were fed bathed and told the process and that they were free now. We waited a day at safe house for them to recover enough for travel. All arrived at new home happy.
Rescued: 24
Previous total: 3187
Grand Total: 3211