Mission Report 07/02/23

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Mission Report 07/02/23

The Quest ECSS

Human Trafficking

Mission Report 07/02/23

Location: Inner city

Controlled: Local gang


Situation: Only front exit/entry no windows no running water no bathrooms, partitions separating the rooms. 12 girls ages 10 to 12. Police provide protection. All in poor to bad condition. Two guards one inside one outside. Normally drunk. Girls get almost one cup a rice a day. Use a hose from near by shop once a week to wash them. In shanty town. Shops connected on both sides and in back. Front is a large alley. One way in and out connected to busy street. Other shops close at 10pm at latest. Shift change for guards at midnight. Local Police on duty stop by to drink through out the night. Mondays not much activity. Concerned that two of the girls are very sick.

Plan: Volunteers will be on roofs nearby with visuals all the way to main street. 6 teammates will pose as sleeping before and after brothel. Four Liberated enclosed trikes will be along main street till just before we move in. Each will move in one at a time and take position nearby. When ready the 6 teammates posing as sleeping will activate and put to sleep first the one outside then as a team will enter and take down the remaining guard. As this is happening the trikes will move in in front of the door and make entry. All but one of the drivers will enter and assist with bringing the girls out then transport to main street. There they will be met with teammates on bikes to escort the trikes to another location then move the kids into a bus that will take them to safe house. There a medical professional will take care of the worst of them. They will be bathed and given new clothes along with food and briefed where they are going and what will happen. Then on to their new home.

Executed: All went as planned. 3 of the girls were in really bad shape and had to spend two days at the safe house to recover. All made it to their new home. All will make a full recovery.


Rescued:  12

Previous total: 2764

Grand Total: 2776

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