Mission Report 72023 (3)

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The Quest ECSS

Human Trafficking 3 of 3


Mission Report 72023 (3)



Outside city.




23 girls ages 10 to 12. Again in real bad condition. Front and back entrance and exit. 3 guards. Not usually checked on by owner. In open area so they can see us coming but plan to enter when all guards are inside.


Have spotters watching business Will wait till all guards are inside then move in from front and back. Have two female local teammates that will talk to girls but believe most will not be strong enough to be scared of us. Then fill the vans then head to rendezvous with all the others. Teammates will escort them to safe houses.


Went exactly as planned. Total time is 8 minutes. Most of girls had to be carried out. The guards were put to sleep and our cards left on them. Made it to rendezvous and headed to the safe houses. All were treated and found safe to travel. They all were bathed and new clothes with a toy animal to keep. All made it to their new homes.



Rescued:  23

Previous total: 2805

Grand Total: 2828

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