Mission Report 83023

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The Quest ECSS

Human Trafficking

Mission Report 83023


Central City


Large Gang


14 girls ages 9 to 13 Has one entrance with 2 guards on main road connected to businesses on each side and across the street the area shuts down mostly around 10 pm exits are main streets with three different routes to out of city and to Safe Houses Girls in bad condition but kept strong enough to make money.


Send teammates into area to watch all traffic and movements also monitor Police station and watch all exit routes to final drive where a van will collect all the girls and do small medical evaluation and let them know what is happening. Then on to Safe Houses then washed with new clothes and deeper medical evaluations. Once we know they are all safe they will move on to their new home.


Total 7 minutes 1 teammate over the past few days made friends with guards and was with them letting us know when to hit the building and locations of guards. 3 Transports pulled up to front door and entered putting to sleep the two guards. Tied and bound with duck tape. Had a female teammate help collect the girls but they did not resist. Then exited the building and we watched the three transports to location outside of town and moved girls to van and on to safe houses and girls were good to travel and were very hungry. Rested a little then on to their new home.


Rescued:  14

Previous total: 2842

Grand Total: 2858

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