Our attention was drawn to the boarders between a country we work in and one we mostly don’t. We have had a lot of information that gangs were collecting girls from ages 11 to 14 and taking them into their country and selling them both in side street brothels and as for sale to older men for wives. The way it works is young guys about 18 years old enter into our country and make friends with the girls and flirt with them and become their friends. These girls are from very rural areas and very poor so when they see a older boy paying attention to them with a car they easily fall prey to them. So the time comes when the boys will take them to their country just across the border and sell them. They can do this over and over again. No one pays any attention to them.
In the last month 23 girls have come up missing and that is a lot in comparison to the norm in this area. It is a border that is not very well checked and almost never needs paperwork. We have not had to do much work in this country. We have some homes for our kids in this area and it was just a matter of time when we would be placing more focus here. we were hoping that trafficking would not become a major presents here but it is easy for the traffickers so now it is becoming our area of battle. Having a growing number of abductions here constitutes a greater danger for our rescued girls in that area. So because of our support from you our donors it is now possible for us to become a large presents here now. With that this operation begins.
Our volunteers had a lot of information for us and it would be necessary for us to cross into this country and to do it without paperwork we would use soldiers that had the required look and language to make this possible. One of the volunteers told us that last night 6 girls were taken in black hummer and that we had the location in a nearby city with a location. This will be as good as it gets. It is not like our normal rescues because these are rouge individuals working with local gangs so there are no clear signs to takes us in any logical direction. The 23 that went missing this month would be long gone by now with our information but the 6 that were taken last night and with a location of the hummer we have a chance of finding them.
We had a team of 6 that followed up on this abduction and the location was found. There seemed to be many motorcycles there and loud music coming from inside. The building was a block house and located a safe distance from any neighbor’s houses. All of our soldiers on this one were men so we could blend in, a female would only draw attention and this would be a plain cloths rescue. Our youngest and youngest looking team member would go to house and just see what was going on. With his instructions he moved out. He would not have any communication with the other team members except a phone.
He approached door and there were some other young guys outside smoking and drinking and paid not attention to our teammate. That was a good sign for us. He entered and found a party going on with about 20 men most young and 5 girls were present and did not appear happy or there by choice. Teammate singled out the loudest boy and was very well dressed. He appeared to be the host. Teammate approached him and introduced himself as a visitor and said he noticed a party. The young guy smiled and I could see on viber his eyes seemed black. The guy welcomed him and told him where the beer was and to help himself to the girls. It appeared this was training day for the girls. Teammate sat down next to one of the girls and she seemed to move away a bit but teammate whispered to her not to worry. He ask her where the other girl was and she looked toward one of the doors to the bedroom. He ask alone? She shook her head no. teammate scanned the house on phone and stood up and put his hand on the host and thanked him and said he had to go piss so he stepped outside and away from the others. He walked around the house and checked on environment and then advised us what he saw and ask if we had seen it. The commander responded to him that yes and ask him to advise on raid. He said looks good and advised locations of entry and approach. 6 girls from the abduction was here and one still in room with client. The only gun was in the hummer and nothing visible in house except everyone carries a knife here. That would be the focus also any intention to discover a gun in the house. The team would approach with the one inside controlling anything from inside as we entered. He would be treated as one of the bad guys till it was over and girls were gone. Two volunteers would be in our truck to transport. They would stay behind till the team entered the house. Then they would approach and wait till the girls come out. One team member would be with them. The other 4 team members would assess the few men outside and see if they would be any trouble but they were really drunk. Then enter and command everyone to stop where they were and then unplug the music. One team member would enter room where the other girl was if she is still in there and bring her and him to main room.
Commander told me all this and ask for permission to move and I gave the go. All went well and the girl that was with the client had finished and was in main room. We did a sweep of house and found no more people only some drugs and money. We did not care about that only a gun we found in the bedroom. The girls were moved to the truck we had waiting and were on their way back across the border. We singled out the two guys who were making all this happen and separated them from the others. They were just kids on a really bad path and again the culture is women are a product not a person attitude. We educated them as best we could only with a little hurt. Then we warned them never to come back to our side of the border. A final message was to cover his prized hummer with gas then made him light it. He was crying as he did it. The team met outside to watch the fire then returned to the rest of the team across the border.
The 6 girls were taken to one of our places and the parents were gathered by volunteers and brought together to see the girls. Here the social workers helped them communicate about what had happened and would offer council at any time and all agreed to stay here for a few days and go from there. The parents were very grateful and one of the fathers offered to help us anytime with anything to stop these abductions. Willing to give his life for this.
Previous total: Grand 1443
New total : 1449
Update for February in additions to rescues The other two orphanages that needed our help getting up to code and more was accomplished. The government is happy now and in addition we gave names of some Buddhist that would oversee operations even though it is not Buddhist orphanages. We did this to help please the government. Many changes were made for the better. The beds now all have mosquito nets and drains were installed to keep the rain waters from entering the buildings. Walls were built on the school so weather would not be an issue. We also built additional housing for our off duty guards to stay in now. Tents were just not that great. Additional food sources were obtained to be an ongoing source for food.
All of this is from the funding. We have brought in our talents to do more than rescue now. We really needed this and it is so good to give back to these places. All these years we only brought them little kids to fix, heal and teach but still are not able to pay their $20 a month cost. So it is really great to be able to help in ways they could not have. Thanks to all our donors. Thank you so much.
Youtube: Human Trafficking the Quest
Facebook: The Quest ECSS
Twitter: Zaysan@questslavery
Mission Report 111724
The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking Mission Report 111724 Location: Outside city Controlled: City Officials and Police Situation: In a bamboo building, 13