Fundraising Rescue 2020 #1

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Fundraising Rescue 2020 #1

South America

With a new fundraiser coming up, we received some much needed funds to conduct a larger rescue. We picked several locations and began monitoring them. It came down to two; one in Asia and one in South America. South America is New to the Team and for The Quest ECSS. I have personally worked there for other reasons but this one lead our team to rescue kids being taken for the purpose of sex trafficking and or to be sold. I have previously written about these conditions in my book, Operation Z. 

So, we found a few Orphanages that we had vetted and secured along with nearby safe houses. The child brothel we were watching, contained as many as 25 girls ages 7 to 14. Its guards varied from 2 to 5 with regular shifts. Its location was remote and that was good for us. Yet, with these brothels that are remote, they either catered to locals or high end clients for obvious reasons. This one was the later and its location was to our advantage due to only one road in and out. Also, the building was located at the foot of a steep mountain and again this was to our advantage. 

So, we called “mission on” and at this time there were no visitors and only two guards. We set up watchers on the mountain where they could see any traffic on foot or transport. We then blocked the road in and out and would not allow any one in or out. It was raining so the road would be a challenge and we would exit in the one direction to the safe houses. On this day, we had a full house with an extra 2 girls. We were guessing our timing was outstanding due to the increased kids, they must be expecting a lot of traffic. Next, we positioned our team that would be making the rescue at the North roadblock just a short way in so they could not be seen by anyone traveling the road. 

For the next five hours we stopped and detained 7 travelers and some looked so out of place. There was a lot of money dripping from them and they tried to bribe the team. Bribery seems a common response to them. We chose not to of course and they would be released at end of our mission. Our rescue team had a female commander along with a few nuns from the area we have been working with. This was the nuns’ first rescue with us and they were a bit nervous but were calmed down by our commander with some kind words and getting them to focus on what we were about to do. Save some kids lives. 

Our watchers were able to see the two guards and advised our commander. It was on and the rescue transports were on the move. The road was active now with our team ready for extraction. We had it covered. As this was taking place on the South roadblock, three guards showed up, they were identified and secured. They should not have been there at this time according to our surveillance. So as it goes, we were prepared. The guards were immediately taken to the brothel and left with the other guards. Everyone near the brothel moved in taking down the guard that was outside. We knocked on the door to get the other guard’s attention and he just walked right out to us totally not knowing what happened. The team entered the brothel. 

The brothel was deadly quiet. It had 12 bedrooms; all the doors were shut and locked. We began to inspect for any booby traps but all was found to be safe. We interrogated the guards and one was very talkative. The others, we put to sleep early. The talkative one told us how they worked. When a client arrived, they would bring the very frightened girls out one by one till they had picked one or two or three. Also, we found the brothel to be full of drugs. It was going to be used as a drug supply house. We got the keys and began to get the kids out. We were on a time schedule so it scared the girls but they were so weak from no food, that they were moved easily but some had to be carried. Many had wounds and from what we could tell, the wounds were from being beaten. We moved them all to the 5 transports we had waiting. We had an extra transport in case we got stuck on the road out. The roadblocks to the exit were opened. All the captives were set free. 

We knew these kids were in bad shape but we were confident that there was physically nothing that could not be healed. Their fear and mental abuse would take longer to heal but with loving care, they are on their way to recovery.

After they passed the North roadblock, the Southern one was opened but still being watched for any traffic that we would have to deal with. All the guards were put to sleep, declothed and then tied all together. I’m sure it was going to be interesting when they were found but we would not be there to see it. They had to be located a ways from the house because we were going to burn it down to destroy all the drugs. So many, my God, I could see it everywhere in the house as the rescue was underway. 

Next, the girls were taken to two safe houses but along the way one of the girls, 6 years old, had to be resuscitated and then taken to an alternative safe house due to her condition. Then, 3 of the other girls wanted to stay with her while the rest moved on. The girl needed to be hooked up to an IV to bring her vitals up. The others were examined by Local Doctors and all would need further treatment but they were good enough to travel. They, as we always do, were fed, bathed, and given new clothes. The girls did not know any of the others because during their time there, they had never met the others except in the line ups. We had no shadows following us as they made it to their new homes. Our guards had already been there for a month. The girls were all safe now and their healing could begin for them.



Thanks to all that made this possible. 


Rescued 27

Total 2020 fundraiser rescues: 27

Total rescues: 1,929 or


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