Midnight run rescue March
We just completed another rescue but it took a lot to get it done but I think the dust is settling now. Since the fundraiser we have restored needed repairs to four orphanages and some improvments along with updated paperwork so they can stay in operation. Also got some new food sources. We created storage facilities thru our area of battle so that we do not have to find last minute medical supplies or pay outrageous prices we also have cloths and tires all the things we have to gather for a rescue. Also one of our buggest challenges we always face is having a place to take our kids. We have very high standards both for the girls and security. Noted that is why we have the 100% retention rate. So now we have vented a few places with room for 158 rescues so we are now on it.
Now for the rescue. This one is in the city central so with that comes bad and good. Just costs a little more but out idea is to the gangs is that no where is safe from the Quest ECSS. Much of what we do is physic logical. It is one of the common threads in these cultures. Also since most all of this is about money they have to decide if it is worth challenging us. There is a down side when it is run by government officials then sometimes they just want to let us in for a price then they plan to reopen when we leave with a new crop of new girls. It is just to easy to get these kids in poor countries.
There are many ways in and out and we will use this to our atvantage to distract and they don’t know to expect us or when so we will have more eyes thean they do to make sure we get out and to the safe houses before they know what happened.
The approach will be from four directions and the team will be dressed to fit in. our exit transport will arrive once the team has secured the inside of the brothel. Once we are in place it will take three minutes to have the kids and secure the bad guys. In this one there is expected to be 21 girls and 4 bad guys. At this point the transports that also blend in to the normal traffic will enter from two directions and if all is clear the kids will be moved into them. It will be more distance from the house to the street than we like but timing is everything. Then there will be 6 transports that will all go in different directions that we have spotters waiting. Then to two safe houses with two backups.
We met with one of the officals that is the boss of this brothel and nogated a price to keep him out of our way and once agreed some of the team stayed with him and even took him to a resort for the time we needed. Ha he did not expect that. I guess he was expecting to take the money then when we leave send his officers in on us but we were not about to let that happen. Teaching moment here. when you make an offer then in these cultures and it is accepted like in this case the government official saves face. Even though he accepted the offer he can explain he had no choise, of course he will not tell anyone how much it was but then he was forced to comply and he will also leave out the part of going to a resort hehehe. That would make him look really bad, again it is about saving face. So we use it to our atvantage. Onece the girls are safe and well onroute to safe house the team with the official will just disappear leaving him to his own and let him create any story he wants. Likley he will find out about the rescue and get the details then create his own story. I hope you all understand what I am explaining.
All went exactly as planned and it was about midnight and no customers at the time we hit. Light traffic just enough to help us blend in without any notice. The darkness helped us get the girls to the transports without notice. The female team members used their talents to calm the girls but it seemed they accepted us without much diffucultity.
We have found that this is primary when doing a rescue to have women with us and only them deal with the girls,, only team will just prevent them from escaping. The team has figured out how this process works because all are veterens of rescues, the new team members have a different job while they are getting experience.
The girls all made it to safe houses without incedent and good for us they were all in the normal condition, weak beaten, starving and dehydrated. Nothing that we will need to seek alterntive care at the moment. All were as we always try to do is bath them and feed them give them something to give hope like a tiny stuffed animal. Once done they were explained the next step to the orphanages and see if any were related or needed to stay together then to their destination.
Success and we actually got a little supprise and that is an exter passenger. So rescued 22. We think she had been there longer than we had been doing our intel but she was older and so happy to see us. I think she will have a story for us. But that will be in an upcoming report.
Rescued: 22
Last Total: 1449
Grand Total: 1471
Mission Report 111724
The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking Mission Report 111724 Location: Outside city Controlled: City Officials and Police Situation: In a bamboo building, 13