Mission Report 0000001

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The Quest ECSS

Human Trafficking

Mission Report 0000001




Local Gangs


Warehouse where kids that were bought or stolen are taken to be sold again to brothels. This area is being built up with several brothels and the local law enforcement is helping them. We have not been watching this for much time but have intel that there are already holding 53 kids ages 7 to 14. It has 6 guards consistently with city officials in and out with only two exits.


So this will be at the quiet time in evening. It is a stand alone building outside of town. We will send in 6 teammates at both doors. Guards will be inside and the floor plan is open so this will be shock and awe time. Once all guards and down we will send in 6 tourist vans to back door. We will have a few locals that work with us there to talk to and calm the kids. They will be taken to a big modern bus that will transport to another city. In that bus the kids will be cleaned up and new clothes also know where they will be going.



All went exactly as planned! Kids all in okay shape because they had not yet been working. Info about each child will be gathered at their destination and decisions will be made about their future. All made it and safe and happy.


Rescued: 53

Previous total: 3016

Grand Total: 3069

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