Mission Report 093023

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The Quest ECSS

Human Trafficking

Mission Report 093023


Boarder crossing


Large gang


Brothel located in the semi circle of businesses attracting tourists entering and exiting boarder. Large gangs in this country run the government that is how they conduct business in plain view. Holding 13 girls ages 11 to 13 in poor condition. Fed only enough to keep them weak and semi awake. Brothel surrounded by businesses on each side with back of building clear of any traffic yet has some foot traffic. One door and 3 guards 2 inside and 1 in front. One of the inside guards stays near front door. Exit for this is not easy. In front to many people and police. In back is open fields and wire fence at boarder.


Night time 1k along fence open it to get our vehicles in. We have 3 off roaders liberated from a near by drug gang. Spotters will populate grounds leading up to back door of brothel. Expecting no guards in this area but will be spotting till we are clear. There is much noise in front of business so they will not hear our arrival. Teammates will be posted along route on other side of fence for our exit. We will hit during day for more chaos will give us an advantage. One plain cloths teammate will down the guard outside then signal a onlooking teammate. Then entrance to back door will occur. As that happens the plain cloths teammate will enter and take down the inside guard at door. Then watch that no one comes our way. The team entering at back door will neutralize the remaining guard and all will be duck taped and our cards will be left on them. Then the girls will be gathered as some of our ground units that were in the field will have arrived and help with the girls taken to the off roaders. At that time all will head through the whole in the fence and 2k on the other side will be two vans waiting. They will move right away due to being in the open. A quick medical check will be preformed on the way to the out lands we are headed for. Once clear a better check will be made. Many trees in this area. Girls may need some nurtrition and there we will take just long enough to be sure they will make it to safe house then full exam food cloths bath will take place. Then when all good they will head to their new home.


8 minutes we were out with all the girls and thru the fence. All went exactly as planned. Girls were in real bad shape and spent several hours at safe house till they were good to transport.


Rescued:  13

Previous total: 2879

Grand Total: 2892

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