Mission Report 112122

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The Quest ECSS
Human Trafficking

Mission Report 112122

Central city

local gangs supported by police
8 girls ages 7 to 10 with 2 guards in one of the winding allies in slum areas. One way in and out block building. Ally leads to a main street about a quarter of a mile ahead. The other way is a dead end. We extracted the floor plan from a past customer. The girls are not expected to be in good condition.

Fill the exit route with teammates and roof tops with volunteers. At exit teammates will keep clear from any blocks that may occur. Once everyone is in place three local transports will enter but will not be able to fit in front of location they will have to park without causing much attention. Then a team of 7 will make their way to the brothel and make entry and put the guards to sleep. Two female teammates with be in the raid party with a local nun. They will all collect the girls and carry them to the transports. There they will be taken to the exit. From there they will head thru town and to the safe house. Our team will follow on bikes making sure no shadows. Our route will have volunteers watching for anyone that we do not want to see.
Went exactly as planned took 8 minutes once in place to be on road to safe house. At safe house the kids were fed and able to rest for awhile. Bathed with new cloths and full bellies were headed to their new life home.

Rescued:  8
Previous total: 2592
Grand Total: 2600

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