Mission Report 21023

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Mission Report 21023

The Quest ECSS

Human Trafficking

Mission Report 21023


Outside small city on one road in and out of city.



Local business man.


8 girls ages 7 to 11 all in real bad shape and sick. Owner plans to dispose of them. This is an emergency rescue. Dangerous due to fast response. Gathered all we could to pull this off. Only one guard. As all our rescues all these kids are destine to die these just sooner.


Hit the brothel with all our team and remove guard take kids to safe house see if they can travel or need recovery time. Then to their new home.


All went as planned. The kids were really bad shape One had expired the rest were close. They were treated and kept long enough to be able to travel . Commander took the guard removed him from brothel then incinerated it. After she took the one who passed to a place we work with and gave her a beautiful service.



Rescued:  8

Previous total: 2660

Grand Total: 2668

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