Rescue 5 Fundraising Rescues December 2021

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Rescue 5

Fundraising Rescues December 2021

Mission Report December 21 

Due to the current disaster at the U.S. border we had been preparing for another rescue there. There are so many infant children with these caravans that are sold to illegals to carry across the border. We had to return. As before, we would confirm that the male taking a child with him on the caravans was not his child. It’s so easy to tell. In recent weeks we only found one child with one of its actual parents.  

Note: These children are abused, dragged across the ground, beaten, carried like luggage, starved, and many times left in the desert once they across the border. All for the cartel and to get a free pass into the USA. 

During our last rescue, we would approach the person with the kid and if he did not resist at all, then we took the child. They had no interest. Also, we watched a cartel member see us but he just went on with what he was doing.  

The last rescue we did here, we had room for far more kids than we rescued. The entire community asked us to do this and gave us anything we needed and was willing to do more. Several area homes that house kids fully opened their doors to us and volunteered to spot for us and we also had medical waiting for the rescued. 

We will have the same approach by going to men alone with a child and ask them where the mother is and they will respond, “Had fight, I took child”. Then, we take the child and if there is no resistance; we will take the child to the people that will care for them.  

Now, we are about to do the same thing. 

The Team had made its way to the far south of the country and made the arrangements with the locals in the area that had requested us. Business owners, Police, Government Officials, and local people, all were so horrified by the current circumstances. All these great people were in fear of the Cartel and at the same time wanted to do something for these little kids. That is why we are here and so, let it begin. We have spotters on top of buildings, on streets, in stores etc. We also had 3 buses waiting to take our kids to safety. They will travel to remote places out of town and then be moved into smaller local transports. We will have an abundance of teammates along each path and many transports. The buses will have local nuns that have opened the doors for about as many kids as we can get. So much like before, we will have teams of 4 search and be guided to infants and tiny children for us to verify are not with parents and most likely taken or sold to the Cartel to be resold to illegals to take across the border. It is in the desert where many will be left to die.  

It’s On! 

One by one and even sometimes two at a time! These poor little kids, most were sick or hurt, many with open sores on there feet. We saved them. In the first 15 minutes, we had 5. The teams would scan the area for any Cartel and then grab the kids that were there without parents or relatives.

Another 15 minutes and we had another 7 in the buses. All these kids had to be carried due to the sores on their feet and legs. 

Then 20 minutes, later, 7 more.

Fifteen minutes later, 12 more.

There were many fights and women being taken away from the crowds for bad reasons. We tried to keep distance and not to be noticed. 

25 minutes more and we got another 9.

Then, another 4. 

6 on this patrol.

Then, we made our way to the coliseum where there were all the officials and many, many, illegals. We stayed close to those who had asked for our help. As we did, we grabbed more infants, 23 in all on this patrol.  

We were now gathering attention and known Cartel had spotted us. We got the kids to the buses and they were on their way out.  

While we were all leaving the area, one of our teammates you may know from previous rescues, the female Marine as we call her, saw a little girl standing in the middle of the street where our buses were leaving. She was about 4 years old and crying and looking at the Marine. Well, the Marine did not hesitate. She could talk the girls language and found out she wanted to go with us. Marine asked her several questions and she had been sold to the Cartel. The man who was taking her was killed in a fight a few hours ago and she asked if she could come with us. 

Add 1 more!

The teams made it to the outer city and filled several transports to take the abused kids to the safe houses to be treated and cleaned up. We did not have the funds this time for new clothes but they were washed. Most all the kids, including the infants, were badly bruised with cuts and sores on their feet and legs; mostly some had even more on their face, neck, and arms. Now, they were divided up and headed toward their new homes where the only fears they would have are from the nuns.  

This rescue: 74 

Fundraising total: 112

ThIS makes our grand total since 2015: 2285 Saved Souls!!! We are the best in the world. We Still have a retention rate of 100%

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