I had posted for an emergency rescue and people came thru. Thank you. This really could not wait. We had been watching a brothel that we knew was really bad and we really wanted to do something about it but it would cost money we did not have. There are a lot of these and it is so hard to turn away. You have no idea of how strong we have to be knowing what we know and having to choose who lives and who doesn’t. I want to thank all of you and especially the ones that I don’t know if they want to be mentioned or not but anyway, Bless Them. This brothel we were watching was in another shantytown and of course it was situated in a way with only one way in and one way out. But, on the other hand, there was another way. Two of the volunteers nuns reported that this brothel had 21 kids being kept in cages and were suffering terribly. We knew that to pull this off we would need distractions in town, several vans, caretakers, special medical supplies, and special equipment. It was a gang owned brothel and at the time it was not possible to make all this happen. The nuns/volunteers continued to watch this place gathering all possible intel so that when we could make a rescue. We would be ready. The thing was that the Nuns had reached a point where they could no longer bear to be witness to the abuse and torture these kids were going thru. They could not bear to see another body being removed from the brothel. So a day before the rescue, two of them entered and were trying to get the girls out when they were confronted by two guards. The guards beat them and then dragged them into the dirt street by their hair. Then it happened. Those that had remained silent for fear of retaliation; you know hear nothing, see nothing, and say nothing knew they could no longer remain silent. They knew they must do something or the gangs would “take care” of the nuns. When the guards beat and dragged these ladies into the street by the hair, they crossed a line. Not even these gangs can go that far. The street quickly filled with people yelling, throwing things, and some even grabbed hand weapons to get the guards away from them. The guards retreated to the brothel. The people from the shops and homes took in the nuns and cared for them. The tension was very high on the streets and the people were wondering about what to do next. Fear of retaliation would creep back into them. I knew if we were to do this; we had to do it now. That is why I asked for the funds. We would have done it anyway but I did not think it would be safe for us or any of the others involved in this rescue. I knew the nuns were especially in trouble because both were hard heads and were not going to leave this alone. Thanks again to all of you that did all you could. We began to move fast and met via Viber to set the plan. We were working on putting it all together within a few hours. It seemed impossible. We got several caretakers, two nurses, and the additional medical supplies we knew we would need. Don’t ask me how but I asked and we got more than expected; just like this whole event. Then we got to the Nuns that some of the people had been caring for. They were ok, just some bruises, cuts and one had a broken rib. We got them out of there but not without a lot of resistance from them. I knew they were in danger as long as they were there. We rented the vans under the guise of being a tourist group because we needed a more comfortable transportation knowing that some of the kids, if not all, would need special treatment right away. We would do anything we had to do to keep them alive while in transport. We only had 7 teammates on this short notice but it would have to do. We brought into the fold many volunteers. We don’t normally do this due to exposing them to danger and their lack of skills in this type of situation. We found a work truck and chains that we would use to remove the back wall so we could move out faster once we had the kids. With the brothel on a one way in and one way out street; we knew with bringing in all the vans and volunteers that it could go wrong very fast. The one thing we did have going for us was that the people on the streets were not so quiet now. We set up three distractions in town away from the target so it would keep the locals busy. Two teammates would enter from the front, put the guards to sleep and remove any customers. Once in, they would notify our truck driver to move in along with the vans waiting nearby. From the back, there were several streets that would allow us to leave the area with our precious cargo safely. We had a few safe houses ready and spotters on each route to watch for shadows. The Commander called me when all was ready. She would be atop a building where she had the best advantage to spot anything that might go wrong. We had another sub commander on the backside in open contact with the first commander. We were set and I gave the order to move. It was swift. We had planned 10 minutes for this one including any complications. The teammates took care of the two guards and gave the go for the back entry. We backed the truck up to the wall of sheet metal, hooked it up, and pulled it off making this real easy. It really is not that uncommon for this kind of construction noise so no one really paid much attention. Five teammates entered the back and had to use bolt cutters on some of the cages. They secured the location and called in all the vans and volunteers to assist. We quickly removed all 21 very scared kids but they did not fight us. After each van was full, they left taking several different routes out of town. Total time was 7 minutes and I don’t think anyone paid any attention. We ended up using all three safe houses and it was busy in each. At this point 4 more team members were able to meet up with us to provide extra security. This brothel was as horrible as we have ever seen. All of the girls will recover but most were infected and were immediately treated. Some of their injuries would be everlasting but most would be healed with time. Their stay at the safe houses was longer than expected but it would soon be over. They are now in the new spaces we had just created with other friends we had just made over there. You know, I really cannot explain what happened on the front of making this happen. It was not completely unusual but yet it was. We could not have done this unless it happened like it did. I knew we had a very short window with the need for many things but I just did not see it happening. We needed funds. I asked and we got it. We needed medical professionals and we got it. We needed vans and tools and we got it. We needed thoughts and prayers and we got them. We also got other things that made it a little easier. I am not asking how or why it happened as it did but it brings me to my knees to be so thankful to all of you. Without you, it would never have been possible to change the world at that moment. There have been so many times that I didn’t tell you about when we were not able to make it happen. Those events weigh heavy on us that are in the field when are rendered helpless. At times, we are only able to witness but maybe it is to give us the strength to do it when we are helped on both sides of life. Anyway bless you all and thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are the Quest ECSS. We will end child sex slavery with you. Rescued: 21 Previous Total:1627 Grand Total:1648 www.thequestecss.org twitter: Zaysan@questslavery Facebook: The Quest ECSS Youtube: The Quest Human Trafficking
Mission Report 111724
The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking Mission Report 111724 Location: Outside city Controlled: City Officials and Police Situation: In a bamboo building, 13