Rescue Stories

Mission Report 093023

The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking Mission Report 093023 Location: Boarder crossing Controlled: Large gang Situation:  Brothel located in the semi circle of businesses attracting tourists

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Mission Report 91523

The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking Mission Report 91523 Location:  Central City Controlled: Ukrainian Situation: Large warehouse with many doors front and back but kids kept

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 Mission Report 83023

The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking Mission Report 83023 Location: Central City Controlled: Large Gang Situation: 14 girls ages 9 to 13 Has one entrance with

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 Mission Report 81123

The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking Mission Report 81123 Location:  Outside Central City Controlled: Local Business man Situation:  Stand alone building brick. Front and Back door.

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Mission Report 72023 (3)

The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking 3 of 3   Mission Report 72023 (3)   Location:  Outside city. Controlled: Police Situation:  23 girls ages 10 to

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Mission Report 72023 (2)

The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking 2 of 2   Mission Report 72023 (2)   Location: Just outside Central City on open street brothel sits alone

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Mission Report 72023

The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking 1 of 3   Mission Report 72023 Emergency Rescue: Location:  Central city Controlled: Local Police Situation: Received a generous donation

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Mission Report 07/02/23

Mission Report 07/02/23 The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking Mission Report 07/02/23 Location: Inner city Controlled: Local gang   Situation: Only front exit/entry no windows no running water

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Mission Report 62823

Mission Report 62823 The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking   Mission Report 62823   Location: Edge of a city at 3 locations.     Controlled: Large

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Mission Report 62123

Mission Report 62123 The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking Mission Report 62123   Location: Central City. Shanty town. Brothel facing main street. One entrance one exit.

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Mission Report 6723

Mission Report 6723 The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking Location:  Central city Controlled: Local Police and gang Situation: A location in Central City had 16 kids

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Mission Report 5/2823

Mission Report 5/2823 The Quest ECSS Human Trafficking   Mission Report 5/2/23   Location: Outer areas of a main city   Controlled: Major gang Situation:

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